Makassar, S Sulawesi (ANTARA News) - A Chinese company Topnich Energy Indonesia plans to build a hydro power plant in Enrekang subdistrict, South Sulawesi province, with a capacity of 200 megawatts, an investment official said.

The company was expected to start constructing the first phase of the project in two months' time, Head of the Control and Supervision Section at the South Sulawesi Provincial Investment Coordinating Board (BKPMD) Sukarniaty Kondolele said here on Thursday.

"The project will cost an estimated Rp5 trillion. The company is in the process of completing an environmental impact analysis," he said.

The Chinese investment in the electricity sector represented more than a half of investment needed to meet the district's need for power supplies, he said.

According to the estimate of investment needs, the district needed around Rp9 trillion in investment to be able to meet its power needs, he said.

Part of the remaining Rp4 trillion was expected to come from a Norwegian company which planned to build a hydro power plant with a capacity of 100 megawatts at a cost of around Rp3 trillion, he said.

Earlier, a Norwegian company through PT Sulawesi Hydro Power built a hydro power plant in Tangka Manipi area, South Sulawesi, to meet power needs in Gowa and Sinjai districts.

The 10-megawatt capacity power plant was built at a cost of Rp280 billion.(S012/R013)

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