Mamuju, W Sulawesi (ANTARA News) - The Trans Sulawesi bridge in Tikke Raya sub-district, North Mamuju regency, West Sulawesi province, will cost Rp7 billion to repair.

Head of the National Road Repair Division of Area II Iskandar said here on Sunday that the central government has allocated a budget for the trans Sulawesi road repair from Tampapadang Airport in Kalukku sub-district, Mamuju regency, to Pasangkayu City in North Mamuju regency (Matra).

He said besides the budget allocation for the 235-km road repair of Rp195 billion under the 2011 state budget, the central government has also allocated Rp7 billion for bridge repair in Tikke Raya sub-district, Matra regency.

He said that the Tikke Raya bridge linking Mamuju capital city of West Sulawesi provinve have become too bad for traffic.

  "The 200-meters bridge is in a very bad condition caused by erosion by the river overflowed by floods during recent rains," he said. (T.H-NG/S012)

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