Makassar (ANTARA) - The Directorate of Education Hasanuddin University (UNHAS) welcomed about 22 new international students. The International Office (IO) conducted the orientation for them that was held on Saturday, October 28, 2023, at Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu dan Pengembangan Pendidikan (LPMPP) or the Institute of Quality Assurance and Educational Development Ballroom.

The orientation was officially opened by Prof. drg. Muhammad Ruslin (Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs) through Zoom, as he is now in the United States of America for an academic mission. Joining the opening were Andi Masyitha Irwan, Ph.D. (Head of IO), and Muhammad Ridwan. M.A. (Secretary of IO), new international students, IO staff, and IO Student Volunteers.

The orientation provided several sessions. The first session began with the Introduction to UNHAS delivered by Andi Masyitha Irwan, Ph.D. The second session was provided by Agus Winarto, M.Si (Head of Immigration Office of Makassar). He covered the Visa Granting Policy – Residence Permit for Foreign Students and Foreign Teaching Staff in his presentation.

Meanwhile, the third session was delivered by Dr. Risma Illa Maulany (Director of Academic at UNHAS). In her presentation, she focused on the academic paths that students would go through. She also emphasized that the academic division would maintain communication with the International Office with the existence of all international students.
  The Directorate of Education Hasanuddin University (UNHAS) welcomed about 22 new international students. The International Office (IO) conducted the orientation for them that was held on Saturday, October 28, 2023, at Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu dan Pengembangan Pendidikan (LPMPP). ANTARA/HO-Hasanuddin University)

The next session was DOs and DON’Ts, which Abdul Aziz Ahmed, a co-assistant student from the Faculty of Dentistry, delivered. As Mr. Aziz had been here for years, the IO considered him the best speaker to share his valuable experiences while studying at UNHAS.

One of his experiences was learning Bahasa Indonesia. It was a big struggle in his first year to communicate with his professors and classmates. He even approached his professor, confirming the slides presentation in English even though the medium of instruction was in Bahasa Indonesia. As time went on, Mr. Aziz managed to communicate with people whom he met both on campus and at the hospital where he was doing his co-assistant phase.

Muhammad Ridwan, M.A, delivered the last speaker. His session was about dealing with Cross Cultural Understanding: Going Abroad Alone, What I Should Do? In his presentation, Mr. Ridwan began with some time management facts when dealing with foreign colleagues. Another issue Mr. Ridwan raised was what the students miss the most and the least from their home country.

IO hopes this orientation might benefit new international students in immersing themselves in the culture and life in UNHAS, particularly Makassar generally. The IO also thanked the moderators and student volunteers who dedicated their time to make this orientation successful.

Pewarta : Darim
Editor : Anwar Maga
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