Makassar (ANTARA) - As Ramadan month approaches, the International Office (IO) held the 2nd International Students Gathering and Iftar on Friday, March 15, 2024, at the UNHAS Hotel and Convention courtyard.
Prior to the iftar, the IO held a meeting with the international offices' management under the Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi (LLDIKTI) or Higher Education Services Institutions Regional IX. Around 18 institutions were joining the meeting including the representatives of LLDIKTI Office. The meeting aimed at establishing relationships with IO management at LLDIKTI IX, Exploring the potential cooperation in terms of internationalization programs.
This meeting also encouraged the synergy among the institutions to grow together. In other words, UNHAS invited all the institutions to develop together in terms of internationalization.

The meeting was officially opened by Prof. drg. Muhammad Ruslin, M.Kes., Ph.D., Sp.BM(K) (Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs). In his speech, Prof. Ruslin said that from this meeting it was expected to establish cooperation among the offices. He analogized this collaboration to the Avenger. A group of superheroes to fight Thanos, the big enemy. The synergy that could hopefully be established would enable us to face the challenges of global competition together.
Finally, the Vice Rector and all participants ended up with a photo session. In addition, from the UNHAS side, joining the meeting were Andi Masyitha Irwan, Ph.D (the Head of IO), Saaduddin, M.Sc. and Khaeruddin, Ph.D. (both IO Task Forces) and other IO staff and volunteers. The meeting was moderated by Muhammad Ridwan, M.A. (the secretary of IO).

After the opening, Mrs. Andi Masyitha shared UNHAS’s IO best practices regarding internationalization programs. She began by introducing the IO and its programs including support for both local and international students. She ended up presenting many achievements that UNHAS gained.
The session continued with questions and answers. Some of the meeting participants raised their hands. The first one asked about the strategic ways of establishing the office in his institution. He continued to say that his campus established a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with several universities abroad but it wasn’t managed by the international office.
Another participant expressed her gratitude for having this meeting and conveyed her concern about dealing with international students who brought their spouses and dependents to her campus which resulted in a problem with immigration. One participant also shared the best practice in regard to the grant obtained from the ministry to build the capacity in managing the office. With the grant, his institutions might have established and conducted several internationalization programs.
As the iftar time approached, the meeting was closed. The moderator cordially invited all the participants to proceed to the hotel courtyard to meet UNHAS international students and get Iftar together.