Makassar (ANTARA) - The Rector of Hasanuddin University (UNHAS), Prof Jamaluddin Jompa, commonly known as Prof. JJ, led the delegation to participate in the 75 National Association of Foreign Student Advisers (NAFSA) held in the United States, Washington DC capital from May 30 until June 2, 2023. The delegates consisted of Prof. Adi Maulana, M. Phil (Vice-Rector for Partnership, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Business), and Dr. Ansariadi (Director of Partnership).
NAFSA is the annual event and is considered the world's most significant conference and educational expo. The NAFSA is predicted to be attended by approximately 10000 people from 160 countries.
In his remark, Prof JJ said: "Here in NAFSA, big universities worldwide got together to share their university strengths and promote their universities. This NAFSA is not only about conferences but also exhibitions, and UNHAS is among 13 universities from Indonesia that came mostly with their university leaders.
Therefore, UNHAS would optimize the momentum of these 3-4 days to strengthen networks and cooperation with existing partners and build networking and collaboration with new prospective university partners."
On the sidelines of the NAFSA event, Prof. JJ and his delegation visited the Indonesian Embassy in DC. The visit was welcomed by the Indonesian Attache of Agriculture, Mr. Danang Budi Santoso, and some staff, and greeted by the Ambassador, Mr. Rosan Perkasa Roeslani.
Prof JJ introduced the newly established holding company of UNHAS, PT HADIN METAVISI AKADEMIKA, to the Indonesian Attachee of Agriculture, Mr. Danang. He put an interest in UNHAS's new policy as an autonomous university to be more financially independent by establishing a holding company.
He is more than ready to support PT. HADIN by promoting some agricultural products from UNHAS in the USA company, and he hoped PT. HADIN would enter the US market. UNHAS will be invited to participate in many business exhibitions and initiatives in the USA.
Prof Adi Maulana, the Vice-Rector in charge of the holding company, said that it was a privilege from UNHAS to be supported in promoting the UNHAS product, especially the existence of PT. HADIN. The business and entrepreneurship atmosphere at UNHAS is developing, and we are starting to become a real autonomous university by entering the market. This is an excellent opportunity for UNHAS to deal with stakeholders. In the US, the world's largest economy country.
He concluded that support from the Indonesian Embassy in Washington is paramount to UNHAS to become globalized and internationally recognized as an entrepreneurial university.
UNHAS Showcase
At the 2023 NAFSA Meeting, UNHAS hosted a special lunch session at the UNHAS Showcase event at the Marriott Marquis Hotel Washington DC, USA, on May 31, 2023, on the side event lines of the NAFSA 2023 event. The lunch session was attended by more than 40 university delegates from around the world representing several continents. A semi-formal packed lunch occurred in the Howard University room, Marriott, from 12.00 - 02.00 Washington time.
Prof. Adi Maulana said that this special lunch session was held to introduce UNHAS to several potential partners from various universities worldwide and to directly discuss the forms of collaboration between Unhas and the university.
In the opening lunch session, all participants watched a two 2-minute profile video of UNHAS, which showed UNHAS' achievements in various fields. All participants stated that they were pleased and ready to collaborate with UNHAS, which was followed up with detailed discussions regarding the concept and scheme of collaboration in research, teaching, and community service. Several parties even stated directly that they were ready to sign a cooperation MoU and were prepared to carry out further implementation.
Those present at the lunch meeting included representatives from the University of Nevada, University of California (US), Kansas University (USA), Bristol University (UK), Tohoku University (Japan), La Trobe University (Australia), Texas University (US), China Medical University (Taiwan), University of Ankara (Turkey), Nebraska University (US), University of Lisbon (Portugal) and several other universities.
With the success of this lunch session, attended by more than 40 university representatives from various parts of the world, UNHAS showed its class as a World Class University and is ready to go global. As a result, more universities and other parties know Unhas with all its potential.
UNHAS at the University of Rhode Island (URI)
On June 2 2023, after attending the 75 NAFSA event in Washington DC, USA, the Rector of UNHAS, Prof. JJ was accompanied by Vice Rector for Partnership, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Business, Prof. Adi Maulana and Director of Partnership, Ansariadi Ph.D visited the University of Rhode Island (URI) USA. Rhode Island is located on the east coast facing directly to the Atlantic Ocean. URI itself is the largest public university in Rhode Island and has a very well-known Faculty of Marine Science and Engineering.
URI was first established in 1892. Geographical conditions on the east coast of America make URI one of the leading universities in the world in the field of maritime affairs. One of URI's campuses is located on the beach and is also used as a Marine Center equipped with a special pier and sophisticated research vessels. This research facility was built a long time ago and collaborates with federal government research institutions in its operations.
The UNHAS team visited the Material Science Lab at the Faculty of Engineering for cooperation in opening the Metallurgical and Materials Engineering department at Unhas. Several facilities in the form of XRF, SEM, Raman microscopy and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) can be used for research with Unhas and also agreed to accept Unhas teaching staff at URI for further Masters and Doctoral studies.
The group was invited to see the environment around the campus which was very beautiful with well-organized buildings, a combination of traditional Gothic style buildings and modern buildings. After that, Prof JJ, and the team were welcomed directly by the president of URI, Prof. Marc Parlenge who visited UNHAS in early 2023.
The visit ended with a lunch session at the URI library center followed by the implementation of cooperation between URI and UNHAS in the maritime and environmental fields. Some collaborative research was agreed upon at this meeting.