Makassar (ANTARA) - On Thursday, April 6, 2023, Duaa Al-Mashraqi, an international student from the Faculty of Medicine, and Mohammed Hussein, an international student from the Faculty of Engineering, presented their home country, Yemen, to local and international students in the Prof. Dr. Latanro Program Hall, Faculty of Economic and Business (FEB). The International Office (IO) hosted this Geography Series (GS) on a monthly basis.
As part of Hasanuddin University's (UNHAS) recognition of its international students, the Head of the IO, Andi Masyitha Irwan, S.Kep., Ns., MAN., Ph.D. stated in the opening remarks that the goal of the GS is to describe the nation of origin of our international students. Additionally, GS itself serves as a platform for our local students to improve their English and gain exposure to a global audience.
Duaa and Hussein exhibited a stunning portrayal of Yemen. The main event began with the national anthem of Yemen. After that, they continued by describing Yemen's geographical position on a map of the world. Moreover, they went on to discuss Yemen’s traditional thoughts and multicultural societies, which included its traditional clothing, dance, music, architecture and cuisine. They showed various Yemeni society lifestyles as their presentation continued.
The Q&A and door prize session led by Duaa and Hussein marked the end of the GS. The moderator, Fiorella Badzli Irhen Lie, a student volunteer at the IO then formally ended the GS and invited the audience to participate in the subsequent GS, which will be held in May.